2nd Planetary Alignment

August 26, 2024

As women of planet Terra -as representatives of the Female Polarity- we Pray and we realise that the Ordered Cosmos is given into the CORE of planet Terra and into the CORE of Humanity. Which means the CORE of every Cell and Atom is Enlightened to realise ONE Ordered Whole and to start the Motion and the Movement of Growth, of Bliss and of Eternity. Within the Promise of the Gift of the Aquarian Age is the Promise of Eternal Life, the Promise of the Destiny of HOPE. As Females we create HOPE within the Truth of the Order of Cosmos and within the Truth of this Motion. An Ordered Motion that realises a Detailed Expression for every Flower, for every part of Nature and for every part or being of Humanity.

Welcome the Light of Cosmos and its Right. Welcome the Order of Cosmos in which we abide and in which we Witness the Signs of the Zodiac and in which we Welcome the Truth and the Influence of All the planets in our Solar System. In ONE Solar System we have our orbits. In ONE Solar System we have created -upon planet Terra- Cells and Atoms. We have created the Truth of the Nature Elements. So we Live in Water, Air, Fire and Earth and we can add our Light, our Wish and our Being to these Elements to form Life.

Within the Female Polarity of Life the Order of Cosmos is received. The Order of Cosmos is given within the Motion of Eternity, within the Motion of GOD’s Willingness to Serve. This Willingness to Serve is the capacity and ability within Humanity. We want to Awaken this Ability. We want to Awaken the Truth of GOD’s Will in All. So Life is served and Whole.

Within the entire Motion that is seen within Zodiac and that is lived within the CORE of planet Terra because she is spinning around her axis, we give our Prayer, our Light and our Beings. We give our Wish to Accelerate Creation and to form ONE Union of Atoms, ONE Union of Cells.

Celebrate the Truth of the Sun that is Rising. Celebrate the Truth of the Moon that is Reflecting. Celebrate the fact that Terra is United with All planets in Solar System. And Celebrate that Life upon Terra is growing and continuing within the Motion of Eternity. Continuing within the influence of the Signs of the Zodiac. Within the influence of the Aquarian Sign at this Age and at this Moment.

Rise as the Feminine. Rise Ordered and Well. Bring forth Prosperity and Abundance. For Ordered Cells and Atoms will prosper and will give Life the Abundant Reality of the Gift of every Detail. A Gift that is seen within the Immaculate Heart and a Gift that is envisioned within the Eye of Elohim. Come forth in the Promise of planet Terra. Come forth in the Destiny of HOPE. For HOPE is Aquarius and HOPE is the Gift within this Constellation.

Come forth in the Union of the Planetary Alignment. A Union that is given for All in Cosmos, for All in Solar System. A Union that Awakens GOD’s Will -GOD’s Ordered Will- in every one that chooses to be GOD.

By Maria van Rooijen

I was born in 1979 in The Netherlands. When I was young I had questions about Life. I found a teacher in Mhura since I was 16, which made me develop my consciousness and awareness over the years. At age 30 I started to write from the inspiration of Masters, Angels and Life itself. Mhura and I work together everyday with a group of people around us to realise the Ascension of All LIFE.