Full Moon

NEW Moon

Gift of Triangle

Planetary Alignment
Welcome to Ascending All
Do you wonder how you can contribute to this change?
Visiting this website is stepping in into the Teachings to create and live Aquarius. From Centre The-Invitation in The Netherlands we work and live to realize these Teachings and spread them in the world. All have access to the Principles of Aquarius, therefore we are continuously revealing these Teachings on this website.
If you want to see and experience the Teachings for Aquarius, you can invite us. We gladly want to contribute to your country and life environment. We lift up the Detail of your country so the Divine Expression of your Roots can grow. This will make it easier for the All and for your Detail to rise and Live Aquarius. You are welcome to contact us! You are welcome to join us in learning and creating the Aquarian Way!

Walk and Talk.
During these walks Mhura gives a meditation and lessons about Life, specified on the Age of Aquarius and how we contribute to creating this Age. You can share your story and ask questions while connected with Mhura. You walk from your own home or at a self chosen place. Walks will give you relaxation and inspiration. You experience nature and you learn about your very own nature, your human nature.
What does it mean to be human?
During the walk you are carried and supported by the beauty of nature and by hearing the deeper meaning of Life. You will walk with us and at the same time you follow your own path. The path you walk is the path you create in life and vice versa. While walking you will learn why you live and how you can direct your life.