Category: Daily Inspiration

  • Heavenly Spheres

    July 2, 2024
    Archangel Gabriel We abide in the Heavenly Spheres to realise the Eternal Motion of Living within Humanity. The Eternal Motion…
  • NEW Moon

    June 6, 2024
    Connected to Milestone 6: Veronica wipes the face of Jesus In the Right of Cosmic Order it is possible and…
  • Gabriel says

    April 17, 2024
    The process of Life and death is the process in which Human Being can learn and is able to grow…
  • New Year of HOPE – Januari 1, 2024 

    January 1, 2024
    We are United in Spirit. We are United in Matter. We are United in the Will to continue and to…
  • Closing 2023

    December 31, 2023
    We Live in the Power of Promises and Wishes. Realising Life in the Orbit around Sun and manifesting the Power…
  • NEW Moon of Cancer

    June 18, 2023
    Choosing to Honour the Origin of Life To Honour the Tree is to Celebrate the Beginning of Life on Terra.…
  • Full Moon of Gemini

    June 4, 2023
    Beauty of CORE Come and Celebrate the Power of Gemini. Welcome the Fullness of Moon to bring Wholeness to Terra.…
  • The third Month

    March 1, 2023
    A NEW Month, a NEW challenge. A NEW Right to form the everlasting Beauty of Life on Terra and to…
  • Uniting with Nature

    September 30, 2022
    We live in the Age of Aquarius to Accumulate the Light of Sun and Moon and to Multiply the Power…
  • Living to Multiply

    August 15, 2022
    To Live IN Mother, IN the Roots given by Terra, means to Honour the Light of Mother. Which is the…