- June 19, 2024In Cosmic Order is Right of Terra to Blossom and to give of her CORE. Giving of CORE is done…
- June 18, 2024We are expecting the Solstice of Summer to give us Direction and to embrace Life on Terra. It is of…
- June 17, 2024ONE Rhythm in Cosmos is given to give Human RACE the Passage from one Age to the next Age. A…
- June 16, 2024Walk and Learn You are invited in the Direction of Sun to continue the Journey of Aquarius. In this journey…
- June 15, 2024Atoms and Cells of Human Body need to learn to respond to the CORE and to the Wish of the…
- June 14, 2024An Active Design is Realised to give Right in the Order that is Created. Ordered Truth is the formation of…
- June 13, 2024Activation of the Order in Atoms and Cells is given in the Great Alignment and in the Truth of Emerald…
- June 12, 2024Ik spreek hier namens de Bond van Leraren, want ik kom u bemoedigen en ik kom u vergezellen. Ik kom…
- June 12, 2024ONE Destiny can be fulfilled in the Gift of Human RACE its Creative Power. This Gift Blossoms and comes forth…
- June 11, 2024ONE Way is The Way of Comfort and of the Reality of Creating Comfortable Matter for All. This is possible…