- March 28, 2024A birthday celebration I Welcome you All in the Land of the Rising Sun. I Welcome you All in the…
- March 26, 2024Living the NEW is Living the Motion of Nature. The Stream that Lives in the Elements and is given to…
- March 21, 2024Living the NEW and bringing forth the Glory of GOD’s Will is realising True Nature of Human RACE and its…
- March 16, 2024The reason to be Human is the Reason that makes you Breathe. The fulfilment of your Life starts when finding…
- March 14, 2024Truth of the Living Druids in Scotland is Truth of the rising of a NEW Age and Truth of the…
- March 7, 2024Spring brings the Freedom to Blossom from CORE and gives all the encouragement to be MORE. To sincerely be an…
- March 5, 2024All Live in the Power of Ezekiel his Vision that shows the face of OMEGA. Which means Creation is seen…
- March 4, 2024All Living things are realised in the CORE of Terra or Rooted in this CORE. All Living Beings on Terra…
- February 29, 2024Wellness of Human RACE is Lived in the Well Being of the Nature Elements and the Well Being of Elemental…
- February 28, 2024You are on Terra with the specific purpose to serve in the process of transforming Matter. Matter needs to be…