Category: Members Only

  • Creating Future

    August 27, 2021
    Bringing forth Tone for Future to rise and making the Call for Nature to Blossom, is given in the Right…
  • Nature collectes Right

    August 25, 2021
    Nature’s Voice sounds in the forest to collect what is Right in LAW. The ONE Obedient Way gives All manifestation…
  • Creating MORE Order

    August 23, 2021
    Rising with the Light of Moon and Expressing the Right of Light to be Reflective, is given in the Creative…
  • Full Moon of Uranus – Tone of Order

    August 22, 2021
    Introduction We came together for the full moon of Uranus. It is all about motion. Dictation You are Inspired by…
  • Creating IN Wish

    August 21, 2021
    Life is created in the Momentum of Will. The Momentum given to Light in the Will to Create is the…
  • Motion Alive

    August 19, 2021
    Achieved Consciousness in Human RACE is able to Grow and Expand in the Truth of Living and giving. Consciousness achieved…
  • Ordered Life

    August 18, 2021
    August as Light for Order in NEW form, is Light to give a new perspective on Life. Ordered Living is…
  • Terra and RACE in Wish

    August 17, 2021
    Realised Union of Terra and RACE is Union in which the Blossoming Power of Aquarius is MORE. United Right of…
  • Mother gives Rise to Human

    August 16, 2021
    Rising Truth gives Mother Earth Space to realise NEW and to make life Future. Future is the Living Tree, the…
  • Mother Mary her Word

    August 15, 2021
    To remember the Right of Feminine to Reflect and to realise Matter, Celebration of the Day of my Light and…