Category: Members Only

  • LAW gives Right to make Life Natural

    January 27, 2021
    Unrolling in Nature is LAW of this Age, bringing forth Tone of Aquarian Right and paving Path to Root in…
  • Detailed Love

    January 25, 2021
    Constellation of Aquarius gives impulse to create Detailed and to Express Detailed. Detailed Expression is Encouraged in the Love and…
  • Ruby and Eternal Creation

    January 23, 2021
    Ruby Creation is Gift of us All, made in Honour of Details and Eternity. Obeying the Order of Government is…
  • Prophecy and Promise

    January 20, 2021
    A World of Wonders and a Life of Peace is the Dream I see in Truth of HOPE. Being Creative…
  • Aquarian Divine Way

    January 19, 2021
    Aquarius Reigns in Cosmos to realise Detailed Creation of ONE Way and Destiny. Destiny of Terra and Human RACE is…
  • Elijah lives in Immaculate Vision

    January 16, 2021
    To Honour Aquarius is to Order HOPE in the Living Reality of the Immaculate Vision. HOPE is formed in Immaculate…
  • Government in Order of Cosmos

    January 15, 2021
    Spiritual Right to create Wish and MORE is Right to Breathe in the Order of Sun and Moon. Order of…
  • Gift of Sun

    January 14, 2021
    Light rises in the Gift of Sun and is Multiplied in the Hands of Human Being. Hand Aligned with Heart…
  • NEW Moon of Sun

    January 13, 2021
    Original Moon Shines Tonight to realise the Stars of Aquarius as ONE Constellation and ONE Direction. Directive Power Lives in…
  • Cosmic Order Lives on Terra

    January 9, 2021
    To complete the formation of Aquarius on Terra, Motion of Matter is needed. When Matter is Active, Details are able…