Category: Members Only

  • Appointed and Ordered Light

    November 27, 2020
    Light is Arranged in Cosmos to be Appointed to the Rightful Ray in Sun and the Rightful Detail IN Ray…
  • Truth of Future

    November 26, 2020
    Righteous is Design in Uniting All in Creation of Truth. Righteous is Design in making All Worthy by the fact…
  • Creating Love

    November 24, 2020
    Love is created in Power of MORE, adding Light to Life in the Will of the Living. Adding Light to…
  • Ordered Nature

    November 21, 2020
    Light is Active in the Order of Nature, to realise form of Human Body and to be Spiritual Life of…
  • Archangel clothed with a cloud

    November 21, 2020
    In Light of Archangels is Power to touch Earth, to touch the Living Right of Human Being. Archangels are divided…
  • Beginning of Terra

    November 19, 2020
    In the Arrangement of Cosmos is Order and Perfection, to realise Eternal Right of Life. Light Lives Eternal when Honoured…
  • Living Unified

    November 17, 2020
    As I understand, Life is the Sacred Union of particles and aspects. We may call this Sacred Union 'Unification'. As…
  • Father, Mother, Spirit

    November 16, 2020
    Original Gift of Father's Light is given in the Promise to BE Human. Being Human is Being Active in Direction…
  • Human in Cosmic Order

    November 14, 2020
    Choosing a path as Human RACE is choosing to be Original and choosing to be Perfect. The fact Human RACE…
  • Waves of Direction

    November 12, 2020
    Direction is given in Waves of ONE Line, heading for Destiny of Aquarian Reign. Line is Full Motion of Aqua…