Planets Align with the Purpose to give Right to the planets that are involved and with the Goal to emphasise the Detailed place in Solar System. It is part of their Orbit and part of their Truth to Honour the Sun and its Light. Which is the Gift of Righteous Order for planets have an Orbit and are able to exist because of the Bright Sun. The Light of Sun is the attraction for the planets to be in Orbit and to form a United Reality of ONE System. A Solar System, a System that Lives in the vastness of the Universe.
The Right of planets to Exist is the Right to be Detailed in the Aquarian Age. The Wish to be Detailed Lives within Human RACE, a RACE upon planet Terra that has chosen to Live on this planet because of the CORE of this planet. The Detail of Terra is Perfectly Active to Illuminate ONE RACE as Creator and to realise that Creation can be Illuminated as such as well. Which means the ONE of Creator and Creation can Shine upon and as planet Terra. This is the Goal and Purpose for her Detailed Right in the Order of entire Cosmos. Today we Align with the planets as Humanity to welcome Terra her Purpose and Destiny. And to realise the Destined Truth of our Being as the Ordered Wellness of Creator.
We are creative, we are Creator. We are IN Creation and we are Creation. To emphasise the Truth of ONE Creation that is given in the Will of Creator. And the Wish of RACE that is Creative. Wish of RACE Lives in the Orbit of Terra. Will of RACE is Active in Terra her CORE and in her imprints to Align with the Order of Cosmos. To have her Rightful place in Space and a Righteous Expression that serves Ruby in her CORE and in the CORE of Human RACE.
Welcome Alignment, welcome Union. Welcome the Path of Order that Lives in Cosmos and in CORE of planet Terra. Humanity Lives to receive the Illumination of Terra her CORE. Humanity Lives to be Detailed in Union.