Connected to Milestone 10: Jesus is stripped of his garments
We welcome the Cells and Atoms of Life upon Terra into the Full Reflection of the Moon. We welcome these Atoms and Cells to realise themselves in the Pure Gift of the Detailed Identity that Lives within CORE. CORE of planet Terra is Naked. She shows herself, she wants to give of herself to Humanity. She wants to Live United and be the Reflection for Human RACE. She wants to be Reflection that shows within Cosmos the Purity of CORE, the Ordered Wellness of CORE and the Reality and Promise of the Origin in CORE.
Welcome your Cells and Atoms into the Light of Reflection. And when you do, you realise the Union of Direction and Reflection. You realise the Gift of the Oneness of Father and Mother, the Oneness of Alpha and Omega or of Creator and Creation. Being Human is to be Active in Direction and Reflection. Being Human is to be Present as GOD. Because you are GOD, you are Naked; you are Innocent. And you are Active in the Righteous and Ordered Will that is given from the Beginning. A Will that chooses to Create. A Will that chooses to be Present. A Will that chooses to be Human.
The choice to be Human is the Nakedness of your Life. It is the Original Beginning of your Breath. Breathe within the Fullness of Reflection. Breathe and give of yourself, of your Light, of your Detail and of your Reigning Wish. Because the Wish in its Fullness, in its Wholeness and in its Immaculate Reality, Reigns within Cosmos and Reigns upon Terra. United with Terra her CORE you are Present to Live, Present to Breathe and Present to Multiply. The Reflection given in the Fullness of this Super Moon is a Reflection that gives Multiplication in an Ordered way to Atoms and Cells; a Multiplication to Human Life. For Humanity Lives within CORE of Terra and upon Terra to make her MORE, to make Life MORE and to Multiply the Right to be Human.
Your choice is to be Human. Your Will is in GOD. Your Nakedness is your Creative Wish that is given to All.