Full Moon

December 15, 2024

Connected to Milestone 12: Jesus dies on the cross.

Welcome in the midst of Terra. Welcome in the Reality of your CORE, of your Inner. You may rise from the CORE. You may Resurrect. You may Stand. You may be Human. You may be the Reality of a Detailed Identity within the Reflection of Full Moon. Rise within Reflection and give the Direction. Form yourself within the Gift of Life that is given because of Three in ONE; Sun and Moon and Terra.

It is Joy to give Life, the Joy to be Reflected in this Moon. The Fullness of Moon Comforts you, embraces you. The Fullness of Moon Encourages you. For you Blossom. The Gift within your CORE is ready to Shine and able to Shine. The Gift or your Presence upon this planet is ready to give of itself.

Form the Heart of Terra as Humanity. Form within Reflection and give of the Direction. In the Union of Terra, Sun and Moon is the Truth of Ruby CORE. This is the Truth of ONE Way for All. This Way is given in the Reflection of Full Moon. A Way that is the Living Resurrection and a Way that is Living Eternity. Eternity will be the form of Ascension; the Ascension that Lives in the Heart of All. An Ascension that will be physical form. For you are Humanity; Human in Unity. You are centred in Earth and centred in yourself. You are centred to be the Reality of Life that Lives within Union and that Expands within Cosmos.

Cosmic Truth is Active. Cosmic Truth is in Reflection. Cosmic Truth is able to Live as Ascension Flame upon this planet within Humanity. May you Expand within Consciousness and may you rise within Awareness. May you receive the Reflection and may you BE the Direction.  For All is ONE and ONE is All; you are United in ONE Flame.

You are United upon this planet. You are United within the CORE of Terra that is Ruby and that is Active. CORE Embraces you to Breathe, to Live and to be Active. BE Human. Be Alive. Breathe and Comfort and Give.

Come forth in the Truth of your Being. Come forth for the Moon is Full.

By Maria van Rooijen

I was born in 1979 in The Netherlands. When I was young I had questions about Life. I found a teacher in Mhura since I was 16, which made me develop my consciousness and awareness over the years. At age 30 I started to write from the inspiration of Masters, Angels and Life itself. Mhura and I work together everyday with a group of people around us to realise the Ascension of All LIFE.