Full Moon of Truth

May 16, 2022

We Welcome the Light of the Sun and the Moon. We Welcome the Power of Terra. We Invite the Light of Moon, the Light of Sun, we Invite the Gift of Terra. We see Reflection, we meet Direction and we Realise the Truth of Ruby Core in Terra given. And in our hands we receive the Light, a Powerful Spring in which we may abide. This Powerful Spring within our hands Comforts us, it gives us Nurturance, it gives us Water when we are thirsty. So today we may drink of the Light of the Moon. We may drink of the Light of the Sun and we may drink of the Power of Terra.

In the Union or Communion of these Three, we as Humanity are the Fourth. And in the Power of these Four we Celebrate Life as it is given in Communion. We Celebrate Life as it is given with Details, with Colours. So drink of the Water of this Powerful Spring. Drink to make Future Reality. Drink to find Peace, to find Hope and to start seeing Within. Look within Yourself. See with Open Eyes. See with New Eyes. Because the Water that you drink which is filled with the Light of Moon and the Light of Sun which is filled with the Powerful Truth of Terra, it will show you the Way, it will make your Eyes see.

Visualise that there is Future for Humanity and this planet. Visualise that there is Future in the Power of LAW, in the Power of Love, in the Power of Truth. Be Aware that you are Creative in the Light of Sun and the Light of Moon. Be Aware that you are Creative to Honour your Life – ALL Life – Life of planet Terra. So drink of this Water. Be filled with the Graceful Gift of Terra. Be United with the Soil of planet Terra. Be IN Communion with the Reflection of Moon and the Direction of Sun. Meet your Reflection in the Water that you drink. See with the Inner Eye who you are, who planet Terra is. See with the Inner Eye what the Destiny is of ALL Life.

You are Embraced in the Reflection of Moon, in the Truth that is given to Nurture your Being. You are Embraced by the Direction of Sun in the Power that is given to fulfil your Destiny. You are Embraced by the Ruby Core of Terra, Nurtured to fulfil your Promise, your Task. Be Human in Communion. Be Human and be thus the Fourth that makes the Communion Reality. There is Sun, there is Moon, there is Terra and there is You. You who make the Four Powerful, Reality. And You make Creation.

By Maria van Rooijen

I was born in 1979 in The Netherlands. When I was young I had questions about Life. I found a teacher in Mhura since I was 16, which made me develop my consciousness and awareness over the years. At age 30 I started to write from the inspiration of Masters, Angels and Life itself. Mhura and I work together everyday with a group of people around us to realise the Ascension of All LIFE.