NEW Moon

December 30, 2024

Connected to Milestone 13: Jesus is taken down from the cross

Clara Louise

We welcome the Moon to Ignite the Power of Reflection. We welcome the Moon to invite Life that exists within the womb and that is born within the Gift of Eternity. We, as women, release the Order of White Fire so it will precipitate upon this planet and it will precipitate within Consciousness of Humanity.

Ordered White Fire is the Power of Reflection within your Being and within your Body. Within this Power you Magnetise the Truth of the four Nature Elements Water, Air, Fire and Earth. In the Union of these four, magnetised by the Faith of the Feminine, Human Body is formed,  Creation is formed and planet Terra is formed. CORE of Terra expands in the Reflection. CORE of Terra expands in Reflection of Moon. Be Faithful and be Grateful because the Ruby Power within Terra is given in the Reflection of this NEW Moon and is given in the Reflection of the Feminine.

Welcome the Right to be Creative as Female. Welcome the Right to rise within yourselves, to rise from CORE. In the Liberation of Matter the NEW Feminine is born. In the Liberation of Matter a NEW Womb comes in to existence. A Womb that is filled with the Waters of Faith. A Womb that is filled with the Light of Ordered White Fire.

You have the Power. You have the Faith. You have the Truth to materialise the Living Human Body. To materialise the Wholeness of planet and Humanity. Within this Wholeness is ONE Reflection. Within this Wholeness is the Power to Resurrect. Within this Wholeness is the Flame of Ascension that abides in All. Within the Atom, within the Cell, is the Flame of Ascension. And it burns within the Power of Reflection.

So Reflect from your CORE. Reflect from your Heart. Reflect from your Detailed Wish in which you are Female. Reflect as the Moon gives of itself in the Union with Sun. Reflect for the Power to rise Well is in Reflection. Be Well. Be Feminine. Be the Sacredness of the Womb that gives Birth to NEW Life; NEW Life of Aquarius, NEW Light of Aquarius. ONE Tone Sounds and ONE Tone Sings. It is the Power of Reflection that Multiplies this Tone.

Multiply within my Light. Multiply within my Being. Multiply within the Right to be Female within the Right to be Feminine. Multiply for it is your Destiny within Reflection.

By Maria van Rooijen

I was born in 1979 in The Netherlands. When I was young I had questions about Life. I found a teacher in Mhura since I was 16, which made me develop my consciousness and awareness over the years. At age 30 I started to write from the inspiration of Masters, Angels and Life itself. Mhura and I work together everyday with a group of people around us to realise the Ascension of All LIFE.