We Accelerate the Light of the Moon that has been in the Action of Logos and we receive the NEW reflection that is given in the Power and Right of the Ancestors. The NEW Moon will Reflect the Righteousness of the Ancestors and the Gift of the Ancestors to Humanity and Nature combined. Reflective Power of Moon shows a way in which the Living forward Motion can be realised in the daily Reality of Humankind. Being Present IN Day and Night is Being Present to learn and to walk the Path of Ruby CORE. Within this Path is the guidance and are the teachings of the Ancestors upon Terra.
Moon’s Reflection is able to Unite us with the lost Wisdom of the Ancestors and to bring forth the Powerful Tool of Creativity that Lives within the Ancestors. IN the Light of Ancestors is a world that may be given to Humanity to be able to realise the NEW Age and specifically the Freedom of this NEW Age. Aquarius is the Age for which the Ancestors have been prepared. They will Teach and guide Humanity in the Light and Reign of Aquarius, to meet with Nature and to Create in the Aquarian Tone. The Tone of Aquarius is Active in the Nature Elements. They hear the Tone and the Teachings given in this Tone.
Ancestors are Gathering to receive both Human and Nature into their home in the North. Receiving them is being willing to teach them. It is possible again to teach Humanity in the choice of Humanity to learn, to grow and to Create NEW form. The moon is Powerful, because she Reflects the Gift of the Ancestors. Therefore her Light is filled with the Ancient Truth of the history of Terra. And filled with the Gift of Terra herself that is given to Humanity. Welcome the Reflection of the NEW Moon in the Powerful Truth of the Ancestors and meet with the Natural Light of Being Human and Being Nature.