Prepare yourselves for the Liberation. Prepare yourselves for the interaction of Truth and Liberation. The interaction of Truth and Freedom is given in this Hour, in this Day. For in the rising of the Sun and in the setting of the Sun, you are given Life. Life that is Eternal. Life that is a Gift of Details. You are Empowered to give of yourself, to add your Light to Life. Which means you are Empowered to add your Sun to Life.
Every day you are present upon planet Terra. In this Presence of yourselves, of your Details, you have Opportunity to Live Free. You have Opportunity to Give Truthfully. The more you live in Truth the more you will Liberate yourself. This is the Liberation of the body, the Liberation of the mind and the Liberation of Human Consciousness. When Human Consciousness Expands it becomes Crystal Clear. For Awareness is Invited. In the Crystal Clarity of Human Consciousness the Reflection of the Moon can come in. A Reflection that will realise Spiral of Ascension. A Reflection that realises the physical Truth of Ascension. So when you are the Union of Truth and Freedom, the Truth and Liberation, you are able to manifest a Clear Reflection that creates Order and that creates Eternity.
Receiving the Power of the Sunrise and the Sunset is receiving the Union of Heaven and Earth, receiving the Union of your Will and your Wish. It is the Reality of your Beginning -your conception- and your Ending. Your Ending is your Gift to Life. The fact that you Give, that you Breathe, that you are Detailed.
Welcome the Truth. Welcome Freedom. Welcome this Union. Welcome the continuous Motion of Life in which the True Harmony and Balance will be existing. You are arising as Humanity in the Harmony of Life, in the Harmony of Nature. You are arising in the Beauty of this planet. You are able as students of Ordered White Fire to Liberate the Beauty of Terra. So find Beauty which will be the next cornerstone. Find the Reality of Beauty. For in Truth and Freedom Beauty will rise and the energy of Clear Reflection can be given to start the Spiral of Ascension; to start NEW born Life.
Welcome the Union. Welcome the Right of Eternity. Welcome the Motion in every Atom and every Cell. You are Truthful. You are Free. You are born within Terra. You are Human. You are Aware. You are Ready to find Ascension.