Category: Members Only

  • HOPE

    January 1, 2022
    A NEW Star rises, a NEW Sun Directs. And the Promise of HOPE starts to Live in the Beauty of…
  • NEW Year’s Will

    January 1, 2022
    Organising Will Welcome in the Light of 2022. Welcome in the NEW Order that is given for this Year. A…
  • The Year is Ending

    December 30, 2021
    The year 2021 is coming to an ending and it has been a magnificent year. 2021 has given NEW Light,…
  • Prophecy of Aquarius

    December 29, 2021
    Principles of the Aquarian Age are given to realise NEW Life with the Light of CORE of Terra. The Age…
  • Winter Solstice – Mother Terra

    December 27, 2021
    Introduction During a trip to Greece to visit the archeological site of Delphi, we celebrated the Winter Solstice. We were…
  • Sacred Immaculate Matter

    December 25, 2021
    In the Gift of Ancient Flames and in the Rebirth of the Virgin IN Mother, we celebrate the Right of…
  • Mother Terra

    December 24, 2021
    ONE Ancient Flame touches All Flames in the Reality of the Destined Truth of the current Age. The Flames of…
  • Full Moon of Sirius

    December 19, 2021
    Reflection of Moon is Order of Sirius. This Order is given for Life to Blossom, to be Created in the…
  • Welcome to Greece

    December 15, 2021
    May we Welcome you in Earth, in the Right of Ancient Flames to be seen and supported by the Power…
  • Elijah’s HOPE

    December 12, 2021
    Today a NEW Star rises! The Star of Elijah will Shine Bright and Beautiful in the Action of Will to…