Category: Members Only

  • Transformation Life with Light in Motion

    July 27, 2021
    Transforming Matter within the Principles of Aquarius and within the Promised Right of ONE Way is transforming Matter to contain…
  • Details in Cosmos

    July 26, 2021
    Emerald Design receives the Details in Cosmos to Express these Details on Terra. Receiving the Detailed Light in Cosmic Order…
  • Terra in Cosmos

    July 25, 2021
    Cosmos Lives in the Motion of Light, the Motion given in Great Central Sun. Directive Power in Great Central Sun…
  • Straightness of Eternity is the Reality of Time

    July 24, 2021
    We started the Retreat this morning during the exercises about Time. Dictation In the Straightness of Eternity Time is given…
  • Full Moon of Saturn – Perfect Sound of Saturn

    July 24, 2021
    We came together for the Full Moon of Saturn. Dictation The Perfect Sound of Saturn is Reflected by Moon this…
  • Full Moon of Saturn

    July 24, 2021
    Moon is in Saturn and Saturn in Moon, Revealing the Sun shine to transform the World. Transformation is given in…
  • Generating Light in Destiny

    July 23, 2021
    Atoms Live in the Space of Ruby, the sphere given by Ruby CORE of Terra. Atoms Live in the Right…
  • Fire and White Fire

    July 22, 2021
    Fire is given to realise Life in the Powerful Action of Will and Creativity. Realising Life is manifesting the INNER…
  • Light in Right

    July 21, 2021
    Living the Tone of Aquarius and giving her Light in Right as Creation, is Duty and Ability of Human RACE.…
  • Foundation for Life

    July 20, 2021
    Foundation for Aquarian Living Welcome to the Heart of the House of Father, the centre core in which White Fire…