Category: Members Only

  • Right use of Light

    July 20, 2021
    Power of Emerald lives to realise base for Life and to give Spring a Reality in every Season. Base for…
  • Creating Aquarius

    July 19, 2021
    Ascension Lives in the Truth of Emerald, the base for Life to BE and to Grow. Ascension can be created…
  • Saturn’s Gift

    July 18, 2021
    Moon is Active in Saturn her Pride to give Tone in the Atomsphere and to make Harmony Reality in the…
  • Creating Light into Life

    July 17, 2021
    Ordered and Bright is Light that is Directed in Wish and Honour of Human Being. Once Directed, Light is Active…
  • Motion and Order in Cosmos

    July 16, 2021
    Forgiveness is part of the Motion of Cosmos, realised Light in the Motion of Future and Eternal Right to Exist.…
  • Straightness of Cosmos

    July 15, 2021
    Promised Order is Order given in the Straightness of Cosmos. This Straightness comes from the Power and Right of Great…
  • Rooting in Terra her Truth

    July 14, 2021
    Radiation of the Power within is the Radiant Truth of one's Wish and the Expressive Will to realise this Wish.…
  • Rooting in Terra

    July 13, 2021
    Creating Aquarius in the Fullness of her potential is manifesting the Details in CORE of RACE, Rooted in Terra to…
  • Cosmic Radiance

    July 12, 2021
    Radiant is Past when Truth is seen in its Righteous form and shape. Past is Active in the Present in…
  • Welcome Tone in Order

    July 11, 2021
    Future rises in the Light of Moon and in the Sound of Saturn. Future comes in the Power of Creativity…