Category: Sun & Moon

  • New Moon of Logos

    August 27, 2022
    Power of Logos In Logos is the Way of the Creativity of Man, the Creativity that may Blossom in the…
  • Reflection forms

    August 12, 2022
    Transition is made in Reflection. A Full transition in which the physical Promise is realised, can only be made in…
  • Full Moon of Service

    June 14, 2022
    Moon Lives to Clarify Future and to make Service to the Destiny of Aquarius a fact. Fact is that Moon…
  • Nieuwe Maan van Service – Vervolmaken van Licht

    May 31, 2022
    We willen zichtbaar zijn. Wij staan als lichtbron, wij staan als vlam in de Kosmos. Tijd van de nieuwe maan…
  •  Full Moon of Truth

    May 16, 2022
    We Welcome the Light of the Sun and the Moon. We Welcome the Power of Terra. We Invite the Light…
  • NEW Moon and NEW month

    May 1, 2022
    We start a NEW month and we do this in the Light of the NEW Moon that is activated on…
  • Full Moon of Purity

    April 17, 2022
    We came together on the Domain for the Full Moon of Purity at 20.58. Dictation In Pure Reflection of Moon,…
  • Equinox – Truth and Power of Equilibrium

    March 20, 2022
    In the Right of Equinox and in the Light of Equinox we come forth as Humanity, as Humankind to give…
  • Equinox

    March 20, 2022
    Today is the Equinox that marks the start of Spring. It is a celebration of the Light that comes back…
  • Full Moon of Pluto – Intelligence of Pluto

    October 22, 2021
    I Am invited to speak in the Power of Moon. I Am invited to Realise the Fullness of Reflection to…