New Year of HOPE – Januari 1, 2024 

January 1, 2024

We are United in Spirit. We are United in Matter. We are United in the Will to continue and to be Creative as Humanity. We are United in Spirit for our choices make us ONE. We are United in Spirit for the Will is given to realise ONE Destiny, ONE Way. The Will to realise an Eternal Creation in which the face of GOD is visible, and in which HOPE as the Destiny of the Aquarian Age is realised. 

We Welcome a NEW Year. We Welcome 2024. We Welcome her Opportunities. We Welcome her Light and we Welcome her Brightness.  

In Welcoming a NEW Year, we give ourselves the Opportunity to be Creative. An Opportunity to grow, an Opportunity to see the NEW. We Welcome the Light of 2024 to use this Light Wisely and to use this Light Righteously. In our Creative Acts we can be Righteously Creative, Honouring the Whole of Life and adding to Life. In the Light for 2024 we have Opportunities and Possibilities to Multiply Light and to Multiply the Order of White Fire that is given. Multiplication is the Truth of Creativity. Multiplication manifests Eternity and is the Way to find the Destiny of EARTH. The Destiny of this planet, in this Solar System. A Destiny that can be fulfilled in the Creativity of Human RACE. A Destiny that will be fulfilled in the Will of GOD that Lives in RACE. ONE Will gives ONE Way and ONE Will is the Creative Will that leads us All to the Destiny of Age. That leads us All to HOPE. 

We find ourselves within the Centre of Maltese Cross, within the Centre that is Ordered. We find ourselves within this Centre United in Spirit, United in Will. And therefore, we will be United in Faith. When we realise the fact that in ONE Will we are United to Create the Destiny, and that in ONE Will we are United to realise the Opportunities of Life, we Will form Faith. Faith that gives the base for HOPE. A Faith that realises a Path in which Humanity is able to create the form of HOPE. And to create an Eternal Formation that shows HOPE to ALL. When we add Details to Life, we form HOPE. When we add Eternity to the Reality of the Multiplication, we form HOPE. When we add the faces of GOD to the Formations, we form HOPE. All this is a given in the Eternal Motion of Creativity and the Eternal Motion of Ordered Cosmos. In Ordered Cosmos we are United by Faith. In Ordered Cosmos we are United by ONE Way.  

Because you Live upon planet Terra, you are focused upon her CORE. You are focused upon her Ruby Gift, her Ruby Detail. Because you Live upon planet Terra you have chosen to be Human, chosen therefore to be Creative. In Creativity is ONE Wish and ONE Will. In Creativity is ONE Way. A Way that leads All to the Destination in which Eternity is fact. 

Rooting in Terra is a focus for this year. Rooting to form HOPE. To form the four petals in Union and in Harmony. The four petals or the four Directions of the Maltese Cross. In the Union of Spirit and in the Union of Will, you are able to create the Harmonious Reality of the four petals that form the base of Creation. A base in which HOPE can rise. And a base in which Faith is the Path to follow. 

When you Honour the Directions, the four Directions that are given in Ordered Maltese Cross, you Honour the Wholeness of Life and you will be manifesting the Opportunity that is given to ALL of Life. An Opportunity to manifest Eternity. An Opportunity to find Truth, to find Freedom. An Opportunity to realise Healing and to make amends with the past. An Opportunity because it is in Multiplication. You are able to Multiply the Order of White Fire. You are able to Multiply Light because you are centred in the Order of Maltese Cross. In being centred in this Cross, in being centred IN Order, you will be Human Being for Eternity. You will be Creative for Eternity. And you will Honour the Pathway that is given in Cosmos. A Pathway that has led you to the planet that you inhabit, planet Terra. 

To Honour this planet is to Root in her CORE and to find a Pathway that is IN CORE given. It is this Pathway of Love or of Divinity that you have chosen because you have chosen to be Human. In the choice to be Human is the choice to be Creative. In the choice to be Human is the choice to be Creative in Order. You Honour the Order of Cosmos. You Honour the Order that Lives within planet Terra. You Honour the Order that is Active within her CORE. The form of HOPE is the form of Divine Order. A form given to everyone and everything. A form created by the Human Mind, by the Human Spirit, by Human Consciousness and by Human Awareness. You are able to realise these Formations, the Formations of HOPE. You are able to realise an Ordered Creation.  

Find the Pathway of Faith and realise the form of HOPE. Find the centre of Maltese Cross. Be focused upon and within this centre. And Root in planet Terra to realise the Ordered Creation. An Ordered Creation in which HOPE is the pillar of Life and in which HOPE is the Destiny. In which HOPE shows you the Way HOME. To find HOME is to find yourself within the Centre of Maltese Cross. Within the Centre of the four petals that are Harmonious.  

In the Reality of Nature that is United and in the Reality of Nature that is Harmonious, you will be able to find your base. A base that is IN HOME and that always is full of HOPE. Manifesting the Colours of HOPE or the Colours of Aquarius, is manifesting the Natural Reality and the Natural Equality of Human and Nature. An Equality that Lives within Ordered White Fire. An Equality that is given in the Order of Maltese Cross. An Equality that will be Expression because of this Order. 

You are present as Human Beings upon Terra to manifest Life. To find the Colours and to Create Colourful. You are alive upon planet Terra by the fact that you are Willing to Live here. That you are Willing to Breathe here. That you are Willing to be Creative. You are Human by your very own choice. You are Creative by your very own choice. And IN Creativity is Opportunity. IN Creativity is Eternity. Eternity is a Gift to Human Being. And Eternity is a Gift that comes from Human Being. For when you create you create Eternal form. You create Eternal Reality within the Wholeness of Solar System, within the Presence of Ordered Cosmos. 

Ordered is Cosmos and you are Alive within this Order. Focused upon the centre of Maltese Cross to form this Order as a Living Natural Reality. A Natural Habitat for every Human Being. Focus upon the Truth. Focus upon your Freedom. Focus upon the Will to be Creative. And find the Reality of HOPE. Manifest this and create this. See it as the Destiny. See it within your Vision and within your Will. 

Find the Pathway of Faith and Realise the form of HOPE to come to the form of HOME. To form the Reality of the Eternal Motion that Lives within everyone. An Eternal Motion that is given within Ordered Cosmos. Root within planet Terra to be HOME. Root within planet Terra to be Full of HOPE. Realise the Natural environment of Humanity. An environment of the Four Elements in Harmony. An environment in which the Light of your Will is the Fifth Element that is equally given besides the Four Elements of Nature. Realise this Equality in All of your Wishes, in All of your Acts and in your very Expression. 

Realise the Natural Environment for Life because this is when you give planet Terra her base, her HOME. A Natural Atmosphere in which she can abide to Blossom, to Grow and to give you, as Humanity, the Opportunities to Realise MORE. MORE of Life and MORE of Faith. MORE of HOPE and MORE of Eternity. MORE of the Destiny that Lives within the Aquarian Age. 

Welcome 2024. For NEW Light is given.  

Welcome 2024. For NEW Opportunities are Present. Seize every Opportunity and find the Willingness to create in the Order of Maltese Cross. Find the Willingness to create in the Order of Cosmos. Find the Willingness to be Creative, to be Human, to Root and to be HOME in the Destiny of HOPE. 

Welcome 2024 and make amends with the past. Welcome 2024. For her Light shines Bright. 

By Maria van Rooijen

I was born in 1979 in The Netherlands. When I was young I had questions about Life. I found a teacher in Mhura since I was 16, which made me develop my consciousness and awareness over the years. At age 30 I started to write from the inspiration of Masters, Angels and Life itself. Mhura and I work together everyday with a group of people around us to realise the Ascension of All LIFE.