An Active Design in Cosmos realises the Alignment of planets and gives Order for all parts that are Active in Cosmic Destiny. Celebrating the Sacredness of the Cosmic Bodies such as planets and stars enhances the Tone of Aquarius and manifests its frequency in the CORE of planet Terra. Simply because the Creative Ability of Humanity reaches into the CORE of planet Terra and gives this planet her Space and Attitude. Welcoming the Design of Order for Cosmos welcomes the Pulse of Aquarius and gives to the Heartbeat of Terra and Humanity as ONE Pulsating Light.
Planet Terra is embraced by the Order of Cosmos, embraced in the Right to Exist in Order and to Live the planetary Orbit around Sun. Cosmic Order gives Space to all planets and in this Space is a Righteous Expression. An Expression of the planetary Light and Right. An Expression of the Cosmic Destiny that comes to pass through the different planets and the differences in Star Constellations. Terra is placed in Cosmos to fulfil a task. Planet Terra is part of the planetary Alignment to realise a NEW way for Humanity and to realise NEW Light and Brightness in Cosmos. The Power of Sun and the Clarity of Moon are Active in the Alignment to give Life in Order. Reflection of Moon shows the Aquarian Way, the Aligned and Ordered Way.
Light of Alignment is given to Terra. All of Nature Kingdom hears the Tone of Aligned Expression and Living. A Tone that gives a Clear Direction and that makes way for a NEW Expression in Geometry and in Symphony. The Symphony of Life is restructured to resonate with the Aquarian Purpose in Cosmic Destiny. Nature Welcomes NEW Light to give planet Terra an update in her Orbit. An update to Exist Righteous and IN Space.
Live the Right of ONE Tone and Celebrate the Activity of planets in Align. Activate the creative Act of Free Will IN Order and manifest planet Terra in her Orbit around Sun.