Violet Gift

March 3, 2025

Today on the 3rd day of March planet Terra receives the Right of Violet as a Gift of the Violet planet. This is a planet in Cosmic Order that rotates around its Axes outside the boundaries of ‘our’ Solar System. Nevertheless, the Violet Tone and Colour and the Right of Violet to be Active, can be received by planet Terra her CORE. This is possible because Violet is a part of Terra her CORE. Colourful Truth of Terra her CORE is Ruby. This is made from Blue Will and from Deep Pink Gratitude that has been given as Faith. Deep Pink Gratitude is the Love in which Will is given; the Love of the Kumara’s when creating planet Terra. Love and Will are Active in planet Terra and make a Violet Colour. For it is the Love of the Kumara’s and their Will that has created planet Terra. The NEW added Detail to the Solar System is the Ruby Colour of her CORE. But the fact that she exists and that she has a CORE of Eternal Love (Ruby) is given by the Love and Will of the Kumara’s. So Violet is part of her Existence. Which enables planet Terra to receive the Gift of the Violet planet. On a regular base this Gift is given. At least, in our concept of time.

But we have chosen a specific day to focus on the Violet Tone and Gift. We have chosen as Archangels on planet Terra, to celebrate the Violet Power on the 3rd day of every month. Which means within the Time that Reigns on planet Terra the Violet Tone is regularly Consciously received and amplified. To focus on Violet is the support for planet Terra her existence. And is uniting with her very Beginning when the Kumara’s where Creative. Will and Love of these Kumara’s is the Will and Love of Cosmic Beings that are to be seen as Buddha’s. Every Kumara is a Buddha able to create a planet. In Union of ONE Will and in Union of ONE Love this has formed planet Terra. A Detail in Solar System that can add her Beauty and Tone to the Solar System and to Cosmic Order. A Detail that gives Ruby Light and Love to Celebrate Life in Solar System. This Life can truly be celebrated on planet Terra the more she Lives in Freedom and Liberty. Which means the more she is infused with Violet Tone and Light. The Gift of Violet planet is received in Gratitude for Life. Humanity that is Grateful for Life can receive Violet Tone and Order, realising Free Matter and Liberty for the soul.

By Maria van Rooijen

I was born in 1979 in The Netherlands. When I was young I had questions about Life. I found a teacher in Mhura since I was 16, which made me develop my consciousness and awareness over the years. At age 30 I started to write from the inspiration of Masters, Angels and Life itself. Mhura and I work together everyday with a group of people around us to realise the Ascension of All LIFE.