Category: Members Only

  • Power of Iceland

    October 9, 2022
    The Power of Iceland is to bring Fire in Will and Air in your Heart. She gives Water in the…
  • Learning and Teaching rooted in Fire and Ice

    October 8, 2022
    Mother is Calling to children of GOD to Awaken the Right to Create and to learn. This Right Lives within,…
  • Song of Nature

    October 7, 2022
    Song of Nature is heard in the Silence. The Silence of Light and of NEW Way. Song of Nature is…
  • NEW Way of the Cross in Tone

    October 6, 2022
    The Tone of Aquarius Sounds in Water and Air, in Fire and Earth. Tone of Aquarius brings Motion in the…
  • Eternal CORE

    October 5, 2022
    The Land of Ice and Fire Lives to realise the Ages of Eternity. These are the Ages in the Zodiac…
  • Revealing Direction of Aquarius

    October 4, 2022
    Nature receives the Right to form the Direction of Aquarius and to make the world NEW in the Principles of…
  • Fire and Ice

    October 4, 2022
    Today you will meet the Queen of Ice in all of het Beauty and Order. She will demonstrate the Right…
  • Violet Iceland

    October 4, 2022
    On the Violet Day in October, in the month of reconciliation, the Freedom emphasises to Unite with nature and to…
  • Awaken Fire in North

    September 29, 2022
    Fire Lives in the Land of North, to realise the Will in Human RACE that asks for Life, for Light…
  • Ending September

    September 28, 2022
    September is ending and a season just started. September gave her Impulse to be Creative as RACE and in this…