Category: Members Only

  • Mother in 20 and 4

    January 28, 2020
    Mother is Present in 20 and 4 to realise Gift of the Conscious Order and of the NEW Way in…
  • Life Ascends

    January 27, 2020
    The Ascension of Life is a Spiritual Matter. Which is definitely the most interesting process of Life and at the…
  • Ordered Life

    January 21, 2020
    Life is arranged in Ordered White Fire to realise Details in Promise of HOPE. Life is seen in Detailed Way…
  • 2020 is HOPE

    January 20, 2020
    The Power of numbers is in Today the given Promise of Ordered Creation. Portal of Eternity is in numbers of…
  • Life in Ordered Motion

    January 18, 2020
    Aquarius Lives in the Singularity that Spins IN CORE of Terra. Ruby CORE is spread in the Ordered Lines given…
  • Alpha in Aquarius

    January 16, 2020
    Life is the Given Resolution from Sirius and the Given Love from Venus. Life is the Living Motion of Light…
  • Light in All

    January 13, 2020
    Life is in Motion of Aquarian Song. Life is Reflected in Aquarian Moon, the Moon of Singularity. Life is Directed…
  • Creating Golden Aquarius

    January 12, 2020
    Aquarian Tone Sounds and in Reflection of Moon of Singularity this Tone touches Matter. Matter is able to resonate within…
  • Promise of Aquarius

    January 9, 2020
    Promise of Aquarius is the Promise of Living Nature. Nature of Alpha, Nature of Omega. Nature of the Singularity Expressed…
  • Forming with Geometry

    January 8, 2020
    Geometry created in the Light of Aquarius shows the Order of GOD Government. Obeying the Principles of Aquarius and Honouring…